“The dress of Christ’s followers should be symbolical. In all things we are to be representatives of Him.” Ellen G. White (1827-1915)
“The outfit one chooses to wear casts an influence upon how the person thinks, feels and behaves, due to the symbolic significance placed upon the dress and the act of wearing it.” H. Adam & A.D. Galinsky, 2012 – Social Psychologists
“I saw that the outside appearance is an index to the heart.” Ellen G. White, A Christian Author
“Adornment is never anything except a reflection of the heart.” Coco Chanel (1883-1971) – French Fashion Designer
“Clothes are inevitable. They are nothing less than the furniture of the mind made visible.” James Laver (1899-1975), English Author, Fashion Historian, Museum Curator.
“The very dress will be a recommendation of the truth to unbelievers. It will be a sermon in itself. Ellen G. White
“Our clothes are too much a part of us for most of us ever to be entirely indifferent to their condition: it is as though the fabric were indeed a natural extension of the body, or even of the soul.” Quentin Bell (1910-1996) – English Art Historian
“Dress the message. The clothes you wear and the way you groom yourself will change the way other people hear what you say. It will subconsciously tell them if you’re like them or if you’re different. It will determine whether they listen or ignore. Trust or distrust.” Tyler Tervooren (2014) Founder of Riskology.com, Leadership for Introverts.
Carol Daul is happily married to a Seventh-day Adventist, Ordained Minister and is also a greatly blessed mother of two young adults. She is a practicing Registered Nurse by profession, with many years of experience.
In 2012, while studying for her Bachelors of Science In Nursing Degree, she was writing a paper regarding Emotional Intelligence (EI) and came across many scholarly articles regarding the Social Psychology of Dress. It became clear to her understanding that dress has very much to do with the successful delivery and reception of the everlasting gospel (Revelation 14:7, KJV).
It is her prayer that many more will have their hearts and minds opened to see the inroads fashion has made into our churches, schools and homes and be led to repentance, revival and reformation!
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